Leveraging People-Powered Student Supports
to Advance Digital Equity
Building on lessons learned from a May 2023 workshop webinar session, the NPSS Digital Equity Working Group developed “National Partnership for Student Success: Leveraging People-Powered Student Supports to Advance Digital Equity,” a series of resources aimed to further understanding of current digital equity issues and recommend ways that the “digital navigator” model can be integrated into their services.
What is Digital Equity?
Despite significant growth in technology, much work remains to ensure all learners, families, caregivers, and communities have access to reliable, high-speed broadband and technology tools for learning.
What is a Digital Navigator?
As trusted members of the community, digital navigators provide information, technical support, and digital skill-building opportunities.
Advancing Digital Equity
Across the fields of education and youth development, innovative practices are being used to ensure our young people can fully participate in their education and society.
“Discover Resources to Support Digital Inclusion,” with Caitlin Ameral
National Partnership for Student Success Hub Member Caitlin Ameral of City Year joined the Unpacking Education Podcast to discuss the importance of digital inclusion in the success of our nation’s youth. Listen to the full episode today!
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