Schools & Districts
As a national effort to engage more people in service to youth, the National Partnership for Student Success supports schools and districts to build partnerships that improve student well-being, close learning gaps, and address the growing number of students who are chronically absent.
The team invites schools and districts to connect for support in designing, implementing, and improving programs that offer tutoring, mentoring, student success coaching, post-secondary transition coaching, or wraparound/integrated student support coordination. New for the 2024-25 school year, the Attendance Solutions Network provides districts access to a range of supports through a series of engagement events designed to address chronic absence and improve student engagement in their communities.
The Partnership for Student Success can also support schools and districts in engaging with higher education institutions and/or with national organizations and networks that can partner with schools and districts to offer or expand these types of student supports.
Use the link below to connect. Schools and districts are also encouraged to join the more than 200 Supporting Champions to expand their network and access resources to start, scale and expand evidence-based student supports.
District Resources
Key Resources for Schools & Districts to Increase Capacity in Student Support Roles
These resources are designed to assist schools and districts looking for more people-powered supports to accelerate learning, reduce chronic absenteeism, and improve student well-being and mental health.
Technical Assistance from the Partnership for Student Success
The PSS offers no-cost TA to schools and districts looking to implement, expand, or improve programs offering tutoring, mentoring, student success coaching, post-secondary transition coaching, and wraparound/ integrated student supports.

PSS Voluntary Quality Standards
The voluntary quality standards are designed for use by schools, districts, and others to better understand essential components of quality, set goals as part of
continuous improvement processes or when designing new programs, and consider prospective partners.
District Partnership Toolkit
This toolkit was created in partnership with AASA and other experts to assist districts as they consider how to bring more student supports to schools.
AmeriCorps' Leveraging National Service in Your Schools
A Superintendent’s/ Principal’s Toolkit to Utilizing National Service Resources
12,000 schools across the country are leveraging national service programs.

Webinars and Events
The Partnership for Student Success hosts webinars and events targeted at school and district personnel, as well as other stakeholders working in education and youth development. Check out recordings of past events and information on upcoming events.
Districts in Action Webinar
Watch the National Partnership for Student Success Hub and AASA—The School Superintendents Association come together in this exciting webinar intended for district leaders featuring a panel of superintendents from across the country. This webinar discusses the District Partnership Toolkit and best practices for bringing more student supports to your community.
Looking for more resources?
Check out our comprehensive list of resources based on student support category.
Post-Secondary Transition Coaches
Support post-secondary exposure, college search and fit/match, college application creation, financial aid applications, and navigation of post-secondary transitions.
Academic Tutors
A form of teaching, one-on-one or in a small group, towards a specific goal. High-impact tutoring leads to months of additional learning gains for students by supplementing (but not replacing) students’ classroom experiences. High-impact tutoring responds to individual needs and complements students’ existing curriculum.
High-Quality Mentors
With training and support, facilitate a variety of youth development and enrichment experiences, help youth explore and affirm their identity, provide navigational support around school-to-work transitions, and buffer against adversity in-school, out of school, and over the summer.
Student Success Coaches
Form diverse teams in systemically under-resourced schools to partner with teachers to provide integrated, relationship-driven social, emotional, academic, and youth development supports to enhance student outcomes and create positive learning environments at the classroom and whole school level during and after the school day.
Wraparound/Integrated Student Support Coordinators
Enable schools to build strong connections and systems with community health, mental health, and social service providers. Coordinators put school climate plans and multi-tiered systems of support into action.
Reference to any non-U.S. government organization, event or product does not constitute an endorsement, recommendation or favoring of that organization, event or product and is strictly for the information and convenience of the public.
This website is developed and maintained by the Everyone Graduates Center at Johns Hopkins University for Partnerships for Student Success. It follows the website privacy policy found here. View the website's accessibility statement here.
As of January 19, 2025, this website no longer represents the National Partnership for Student Success public-private partnership.