Program Spotlight: CricketTogether
CricketTogether is the mission-based, mentoring-for-children initiative of Cricket Media, Inc.
TryEngineering Together (co-founded by Cricket Media and The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) partnered with Schneider Electric for a fifth consecutive year to provide a sustained volunteer opportunity where employees served as online mentors for elementary school children for the 2023-2024 academic year. Using a safe and secure online platform, over 185 volunteer mentors were matched 1:1 with 3rd-5th graders in 8 different underserved schools across the United States. Students selected STEM articles to read and then exchanged online letters with their mentors several times a month throughout the academic year. They discussed the readings, related hands-on design challenges that they were completing in class and explored engineering career paths for each unit.
Each year, Schnieder Electric has increased their commitment to the program, serving more classrooms and expanding their impact. eMentors appreciate the flexibility of online mentoring and the chance to invest in a child’s development over time, witnessing their growth firsthand. One volunteer engineer from Schneider Electric summed it up this way, “Being able to engineer the world is awesome, being able to leave my mark on the next generation of engineers, that’s priceless.”
Students develop trust in their eMentors and enhance both their affinity for STEM careers and their STEM knowledge through the program. The letters exchanged provide clear evidence of significant gains in writing skills and self-confidence. Over 95% of surveyed students said they would recommend TryEngineering Together to other kids. Over 98% of eMentors shared they would recommend TryEngineering Together to a colleague.
TryEngineering Together STEM eMentoring alongside the flagship CricketTogether Literacy eMentoring are serving over 1550 students. Both programs are seeking additional corporate partnerships to meet a long wait list of high-needs schools seeking participation.
Visit www.cricketmedia.com/crickettogether for more information.
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As of January 19, 2025, this website no longer represents the National Partnership for Student Success public-private partnership.