Increasing People-Powered & Evidence-Based Student Supports
Findings from the 2023-24 National Partnership for Student Success Principal Survey
A comprehensive and representative survey of public school principals fielded by the RAND Corporation in spring 2024 shows that the nation’s schools are working hard to provide students with the people-powered supports that they need to thrive.
A September 2024 report from the Johns Hopkins Everyone Graduates Center estimates that an additional 136,000 adults provided tutoring, mentoring, college and career advising, or wraparound supports in public schools during the 2023-24 school year, compared to the 2022-23 school year. This, in combination with the estimated additional 187,000 adults providing these supports in 2022-23 when compared to 2021-22 indicates that the nation’s schools, youth-serving organizations, and others supporting youth have achieved the Biden-Harris Administration’s goal of recruiting an additional 250,000 adults into high-impact student support roles a year prior to its summer 2025 goal.

Approximately 1/3 of principals reported only some of the students who needed high-intensity tutoring, mentoring, success coaching, post-secondary advising, or wraparound supports are receiving them.

Get Involved:
- Join the NPSS coalition and subscribe to our newsletter. You can become a supporting champion, provide input via a focus group, and/or share promising practices.
- Search for volunteer opportunities in your community through the NPSS x Ready Set microsite, or post open volunteer positions on this site via VolunteerMatch or MENTOR’s Mentoring Connector.
Get Support:
- Request technical assistance to implement, expand, or improve high-impact student supports in your community, state, or region.
Learn More:
- Learn about crucial elements of program quality for tutoring, mentoring, student success coaching, post-secondary transition coaching, and wraparound/integrated student support coordination through the NPSS Voluntary Quality Standards. Consider integrating these components into new or existing programs and quality improvement efforts or using these voluntary standards to consider potential partners and support providers.
- Learn about key steps to start a state partnership for student success and consider building on existing work in your state to coordinate the provision of high-impact student supports.
- Learn about guidance for district leaders on designing or partnering with programs to deliver high-quality people-powered supports to students through the NPSS Hub’s District Partnership Toolkit.
- Learn about strategies for nonprofits to engage school districts with the NPSS Hub’s District Engagement Best Practices for Nonprofits resource.
- Learn about leveraging partnerships between higher education and P-12 systems to support students through federal work-study roles with the NPSS Hub’s Moving from Commitment to Action resource.
- Explore all NPSS Hub resources.
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As of January 19, 2025, this website no longer represents the National Partnership for Student Success public-private partnership.